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Sangria, its history

Sangría is apart of history and tourism in Spain, especially in summer, and is a refreshing drink associated with beach, sun and beach bars. Although Sangría is popular all over the world it was first invented in Spain later making its way to the Americas, in particular Mexico y Peru. Since 2014 an EU regulation states that Sangría is only Sangría if it is produced in Spain. Like paella, in the case of sangría, every home has its own recipe, and among friends it is often common to compete to see who makes “the best sangría”, and sometimes a family recipe is kept secret for generations. Basically it is a combination of wine, fruit and sugar in different proportions. Sangría can be made with red wine, white wine, and cava, and what we often repeat here at Lolea is the mantra the better the wine the better the sangría.

Early days and brand journey

Lolea is the personal project of four friends who just want to share what they most love, lovers of our traditions and our gastronomy and advocates of transmitting a more up-to-date, more modern image of Spain. With a significant global vision since its launch in late 2013, the brand is currently immersed in an expansion stage with a presence in over 50 countries. Due to its characteristics and its capacity for innovation, Lolea has become the creator and driving force behind the “Premium sangría” category and a clear reference point for rival brands.

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